Just writing a quick post to wish you all a beautiful Christmas Eve/holiday season. This time of year is one of my favourites because it is a time when I am blessed enough to spend a few days with those I love most, doing the simple things like sharing a meal and playing with my… Read more
The holidays, while a beautiful time for many, can be a really big challenge for individuals who struggle with an eating disorder. Not only is food a part of just about every event that takes place but it seems to creep into our regular day to day in ways that aren’t typical (like the never… Read more
If you have ever been betrayed read this I was scrolling the internet this week for articles on betrayal because it seems to be popping up in my office quite a bit lately. Interestingly, the holidays, while bringing lots of warmth and joy, can also bring up memories of the injuries that have happened… Read more
December is a big month. It is filled with so much joy and celebration, often cozy evenings and fun filled festive events. It is also a month that can bring up a lot. It is difficult to carry so many feelings at once and to often feel torn between feeling excited about what the season… Read more
Have you ever asked yourself this question? Not in relation to the statement we so frequently throw around “I would be happy if” but in the actual, sit down and reflect kind of way? What is it that actually makes you happy? Lots of things temporarily add joy to our lives: new clothes, a new… Read more
When we are in the process of working through our eating disorder recovery, our anxiety is going to be incredibly high with life feeling as though it’s dishing out threats at every chance. Recovery is hard, Eating Disorders are hard. Our anxiety system evolved because it helped our species survive from both real and perceived… Read more
Sometimes in relationships people do things that are extremely hurtful and can cause us a lot of pain. Feelings get hurt and trying to reconcile how someone you love can also be the perpetrator of your pain is extremely difficult. Human being are flawed and we all make mistakes, some greater than others. Where I… Read more
One of the more common habits that individuals struggling with any form of disordered eating or eating disorder is weighing themselves regularly (and often obsessively). The power behind the numbers on a scale take on a different meaning when you are struggling and it can be extremely difficult to let that go. Individuals are certain… Read more
When we talk about children and their development, we often discuss the importance of reinforcing good behavior. We want to celebrate what kids have done well vs spending all our time focusing on what hasn’t. Why do we do this? Not just because it is good to celebrate kids successes, but also because we often… Read more
There is a lot of darkness in eating disorders. Each day is filled with pain, suffering, rules and destructive coping strategies. Recovery also has dark moments. Some days it is hard to have your healthy side win out against the demands of the eating disorder. I think the light in all that darkness is Hope… Read more