School is expensive. Recovery is hard. It is important that when you are trying to do both you have as much support as possible to make it easier on yourself. This is why the Looking Glass Foundation has set up 3 scholarships to help alleviate some of the pressures that many of you may experience… Read more
Often in my practice I prepare my eating disorder clients by letting them know they are about to start climbing mount Everest. I am not sure if you have ever watched a documentary on people who climb Everest but their approach from base camp to the top is very intentional and slow work. It is… Read more
In one of my relationship sessions last week a client asked me how she was to know if her boyfriend was the right one for her. She was worried, as the relationship was getting more serious, that maybe he wouldn’t be the kind of partner she wanted for the rest of her life. He was… Read more
I got asked this question at the Looking Glass Foundation the other day and I think it hits on a really important point. I know a few people who have recovered and they keep trying to tell me how it needs to be done. I don’t want to be rude but I am tired of… Read more
Let’s be honest. Who doesn’t want to be in a relationship that looks like the real life version of The Notebook? I think we all want to find someone that we can still love and be loved by well into our gray haired days. So what is the secret to long lasting relationships? Investing 100%… Read more
There are so many different messages we hear during recovery about what we have/need/should do to make recovery our reality. While recovery is a subjective experience, one that doesn’t always have a clear road map and that is never the same for two people, one commonality is that it is made up of many little… Read more
Often in relationships when we are offered suggestions of ways to improve our relationship we talk about things we should stop doing. You may have read one of my previous blogs about the non-negotiables couples set in a relationship that help individuals set boundaries around behaviors that they feel would be detrimental to the wellbeing… Read more
Often in my office I hear from my clients how they need to recover. The word need is often followed with words like should or have to and the burden my client feels is palpable. I don’t blame people for feeling this way or for feeling as though they need to recover, the challenge is… Read more
I always find this time of year really interesting because of how quickly the focus shifts from holiday celebrations to what we are going to change about ourselves in the upcoming year. Don’t get me wrong, I am all about self improvement but sometimes it seems we can push a little too hard on January… Read more
Happy New Years Eve! Often January can be a very difficult time for individuals working on their recovery because so often we are surrounded by people who set New Years resolutions that are focused on weight loss and getting in shape. It is hard to hold onto your recovery when January rolls around and the… Read more