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How To Make The New Year Recovery Focused

Happy New Years Eve!

Often January can be a very difficult time for individuals working on their recovery because so often we are surrounded by people who set New Years resolutions that are focused on weight loss and getting in bigstock--216171091shape. It is hard to hold onto your recovery when January rolls around and the talk of diets and body shaming is running rampant. So here are a few suggestions to remind yourself of if you are starting this new year with a focus on recovery.

  • Remind Yourself Of Why You Want To Recover: It is so easy at this time of year to get sidetracked by all the diets and programs that other individuals are doing. Their journey is not your journey and it can be helpful to remind yourself of what your goals are and why you are wanting to recover. I have found that the best time to remind yourself of your recovery goals is before January first because it means you start the new year already clear on what you want to focus on in 2018. If you haven’t yet had time to do so, it’s never too late to start. It might be fun to set up a “date” with yourself where you do some self-care and spend some time writing down your goals and grounding yourself in the importance of your recovery. Having your recovery at the front of your mind in January will make it easier for you to focus on what you need to do to be healthy, not what other people are doing.
  • Set Boundaries With The People You Spend Time With: If you find yourself surrounded by people who have different goals than you at this time of the year, it is okay to set boundaries around what conversations you find healthy. If none of your friends know that you are struggling, it can be as easy as changing the topic or letting them know that you want to start this year focusing on being kind to yourself and your body. Better yet, if you feel comfortable, set a challenge for all your friends to join you on the journey towards body positivity. The same applies to your family and co-workers. Try to remember that your journey isn’t theirs so if they don’t want to take part that is their right. The same is true for you. Just because they may have a certain focus, doesn’t mean you have to share it. If those in your social group are engaging in conversation or activities that don’t align with your goals to be healthy, give yourself permission to opt out.
  • Fill Your Schedule With Healthy, Positive Activities: January can be a tough month. Instead of letting the lull drag you down, use this month to start looking into programs or activities that are fun and healthy. The New Year is a great time to pick up a new hobby or to join a group. Adding something new in can be uplifting and motivating especially if it is a form of self care. Check out the classes taking place at your local community centre or give that hobby a try that you have been delaying over the past year. Whatever it is, having a healthy goal that is focused  on you exploring who you are outside of your eating disorder is a great way to start 2018 off on the right foot.

Wishing you a healthy and happy 2018!

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