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Could These Techniques Help You During Recovery?

In my last newsletter I spoke of the anxiety you will face during recovery and the importance of trying to turn towards the anxiety instead of away from it. Here are some techniques to help you when you are feeling anxious.

1)   Triangle Breathing: When we are anxious most of us breathe really shallowly and/or hold our breath. This can make our anxiety worse and can often prevent us from getting grounded. If you are anxious I would encourage you to do triangle breathing: Breathe in for the count of 5, hold for the count of 5 and exhale for the count of 5 (each count of 5 being one side of a triangle). Make sure you are counting the seconds properly and not racing through them. Do this a few times or until your heartbeat slows and the thoughts stop racing.

2)    Distract Yourself: If eating, or in some cases not purging, creates a lot of anxiety, then plan your food intake at a time when you know you have something important to attend to right afterwards. For example, eat right before a big meeting at work, or right before having to pick your kids up from school. The anxiety will be high initially but it won’t last as long because your focus will shift onto what you need to attend to in the moment.

3)   Self Care: I know I always come back to this but its because it works! Take some time do something you love. It might not make your anxiety go away immediately but it tells the healthy side of your brain (and your eating disorder) that you deserve to nurture yourself in times of stress.

4)   Progressive Relaxation: When we are anxious we tend to tense up everywhere which makes it difficult to feel relaxed. If you are feeling anxious start with doing some triangle breathing and then move to focusing on your major muscle groups and getting them to relax. At each muscle group, start by tensing it up (it may already be tense but try anyways) and then relaxing it letting the tension go. Only once you feel the muscle group relax should you move on to the next muscle group.

5)   Get Some Rest: Sleep plays a significant role in anxiety and how well we can cope with things. If you are anxious, one way you can help decrease your anxiety is by ensuring you are getting enough sleep at night. Everyone has a different number of hours that makes them feel most rested so follow that, but I would aim for a minimum of 6 hours of sleep at night.


Anxiety can be debilitating and can make overcoming an eating disorder seem that much more difficult. Know that you can get through this and that neither the anxiety, nor the emotions it brings up, will kill you. Try these techniques and find which ones work best for you.



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