Happy New Year! As another year wraps up and a new one begins, I want to start by saying thank you for letting me be a part of your lives over the past year. It means a lot to get your emails letting me know which posts you found helpful or to have you reach… Read more
Merry Christmas and Happy holidays! I am currently down in Mexico soaking up the sun and enjoying some family time. I just wanted to send you a quick note wishing you a wonderful day full of connection and kindness towards self. As this year wraps up I just want to thank you for welcoming m… Read more
As we enter into the last week before christmas and the last two weeks of the year, I want to introduce an activity that I believe can benefit all the relationships in our lives. Did you know that John Gottman, a Relationship expert, discovered that couples who have a ratio of 5 positive interactions to… Read more
The countdown to the holiday season has arrived. For some this is a really exciting time of year and for others it can bring about quite a bit of anxiety. Whatever your feelings are about this season, one thing we know for sure is that it is filled with lots of socializing and eating. Here… Read more
It is that time of the year again – the time when cozy drinks, traditions and the madness of gift giving kicks into full gear. I love the holiday season – I find it cozy and connected – or at least I typically do. I find that over the past few years the season has… Read more
The Looking Glass Foundation posted this article recently and for anyone who struggles or knows someone who struggles with an eating disorder. It discusses the importance of having supports in place as we go through recovery as well as what goes on in the brain of someone who is struggling. I found the article fascinating… Read more
I feel as though I am not entirely sure what to say with regards to this article outside of READ IT. It resonated with me so deeply in large part because I think it speaks to something we all struggle with – determining which struggles and which successes really are the most important to us… Read more
If we are being really honest with ourselves we have to admit that food often can play many different roles in our life. At times it is how we nourish ourselves, at others it’s how we soothe, comfort or reward ourselves after a long day. Still in other moments, it is how we celebrate achievements… Read more
I have had quite a few couples lately in my relationship counselling practice come in looking for help on how to separate amicably. While it is always sad to see a relationship come to an end, I have hope that it means there is opportunity for greater happiness and fulfillment for each of them. In… Read more
I posted this blog awhile back but it’s relevance never seems to fade. So often I see people in their recovery journey who strive for things that are far out of reach for their exact place in their journey – making them feel like a failure and giving their eating disorder more space to continue… Read more