When it comes to food and eating we often lose sight of what “normal” eating is. Instead, we wrap ourselves up in what the latest diet trends are and turn to others for guidance on what we should be eating and how much. So what is “Normal” eating? Simply put, normal eating is listening to… Read more
I was sitting tucked away near the river in front of my cabin in Westbridge (population 300) feeling relaxed and surprisingly well rested thinking about what to write when it dawned on me just how important it is to do exactly what I was doing – Taking a holiday. Taking time to escape from our… Read more
In my last newsletter I spoke of the anxiety you will face during recovery and the importance of trying to turn towards the anxiety instead of away from it. Here are some techniques to help you when you are feeling anxious. 1) Triangle Breathing: When we are anxious most of us breathe really shallowly and/or… Read more
A lot of people have the expectation that relationships should always be easy… that if you were really meant to be there shouldn’t be a lot of work needed to keep the relationship strong and moving forward. The truth is relationships are like cars: they need regular maintenance to ensure that they are working at… Read more
A lot of people look at eating disorders as an addiction. While they are different, it is easy to see the similarities: life is dictated by either bingeing, purging, exercising or restricting, it impacts your relationships, high anxiety etc.. One of the biggest differences that makes overcoming an eating disorder so challenging is that there… Read more
I was out last night with a group of friends and I asked one of them what he would like to read about when it comes to relationships. To my surprise he said “how to maintain your friendships while in a relationship.” What an incredibly valuable topic and one that I hold very dear to… Read more
When you are struggling with an eating disorder or disordered eating you often hear a voice in your head. That sounds scary….or to put it better, like a severe mental health issue. It’s not. When you are struggling with an eating disorder the voice you are hearing is the voice of your disorder. It’s the… Read more
People often ask what it takes to make a relationship work. What special secret do those in long term loving relationships know that they don’t? While I don’t believe there is one secret that makes all couples successful I will say one of the most fundamental aspects of relationship success is mutual sacrifice. Sacrifice sounds… Read more
There has been a lot of discussion over the past few years about “Superfoods” and how they can help improve your health. Whether it be Oprah, Readers Digest, famous athletes, or even your friends and family, superfoods (and their impact on your health) are being talked about all over the place. At this point almost… Read more
I have been working a lot lately with couples and one of the issues I keep seeing come up is communication. Couples are struggling to find the right words and proper timing to express how they are feeling. The truth is, there never really is a perfect time to discuss challenging topics or emotions and… Read more