I have had the pleasure of knowing Andrea for a little over a year and there are not enough great things I can say about her. As a local expert on fitness and nutrition I decided to turn to Andrea for a few of the most commonly seen struggles I see regarding weight loss, exercise… Read more
“I used to love that about him and now it drives me crazy!” This is one of the more common things I hear when working with couples. Feeling like the things you once adored are now what drive you crazy is actually really normal…within reason. When we are single, often what we look for is… Read more
Before I begin this article I want you to know that recovery is, and always will be, worth it. You don’t have to be haunted by food and calorie counting but rather can experience true joy, love and happiness in life. If you, or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, there is… Read more
Online Dating has become one of the most common places to go if you are single and looking to meet someone. There are so many different sites available now that there is quite literally something for everyone regardless of your race, religion, age, profession and desires. The biggest challenge I am seeing with online dating… Read more
When we think of an addiction one of the first things that comes to mind is usually drugs and alcohol. We assume that an addiction impacts how we function in our lives significantly and that when it becomes a part of our daily lives we often lose our jobs, our relationships and sometimes even our… Read more
One of the common things I keep hearing lately is people believing that there is one “right” way to be in a relationship. The belief is that healthy couples are all to behave and interact in a certain way in order to be successful. Truth is, couples are all different and there isn’t one right… Read more
Hi, This week I tried my hand at a video blog for the first time. Click Here to watch it! Happy Easter! Kaela… Read more
One of the themes I have been hearing a lot about in my office as of late is Self-Esteem and it’s impact on Relationships. Most people I discuss with this don’t realize just how big of a role low-self esteem (and healthy self-esteem) has on relationships so I thought I would write about three of… Read more
Hi Everyone, so my Sumertime blog post was supposed to be released next week because I am away on holidays this upcoming week and won’t be posting. So for everyone who gets my newsletter, please know there will only be a new newsletter every two weeks for each topic but in my attempt to schedule… Read more
With Summer fast approaching, this is one of the most common times that people start looking up new diet trends to try to get themselves feeling confident about their body for the summer. I would like all of you who do this to stop right there. Research supports that 95% of diets don’t work in… Read more