This blog is going to be a continuation of last weeks discussion on anxiety. I know that this will seem like it doesn’t necessarily have much to do with eating disorders but hopefully by understanding your anxiety, a major contributor to your eating disorder, you will be better able to decrease the ways in which… Read more

Sometimes in relationships we mess up. Perhaps its a small mistake that doesn’t do too much damage. These can be a positive experience in the end because they allow us to reflect and learn more about who we want to be in our relationship. Sometimes it’s a big mistake where trust is broken and the… Read more
If there is one thing that all eating disorder and disordered eating sufferers have in common it is anxiety. Sometimes anxiety doesn’t manifest itself in a way that we recognize and we just assume that what we experience so frequently is just a part of who we are. When we can start recognizing our anxiety… Read more

In relationships I think we are always looking for ways that we can communicate more effectively, in good times but especially in hard times. Unfortunately, conflict is something that many of us struggle with which can cause us to react in ways that either add fuel to the fire or cause a relationship standoff. Many… Read more

As I sit down to write this I can notice some anxiety in my body (for my clients you will recognize this language all too well!). The reason for this anxiety is that I am about to discuss forced feeding, a topic that is heavily rooted in eating disorder recovery and one that I personally… Read more

It is that time of the year again where we slow down and focus on getting back on track. The wonderful beaches and patios of summer gets replaced with more downtime spent inside watching shows, or hanging out with friends with a cup of tea or glass of wine. As the season changes and things… Read more
I must admit that as I am writing this it is pouring rain outside and it is making me feel kind of excited. I am an autumn girl through and through…the scarves, the boots, the warming spices and cozy fall recipes! It’s like my version of heaven. The rain also reminded me of a blog… Read more
There are a lot of reasons to celebrate in a calendar year – most are recognized holidays (like Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving etc) or birthdays. The only date in a year that focuses on your relationship is your anniversary. Whether you are dating or married, making an effort to celebrate your relationship is really important because… Read more
This blog is tailored mainly for those between the ages of 14-24 who are looking for another recovery-based program. I recently had the opportunity to volunteer at the Looking Glass Eating Disorders Summer Camp and truthfully it was a life-changing week. Not only are you given the opportunity to connect with and be supported by… Read more
Being a teenager in today’s times isn’t easy – the pressure to fit in is extremely high and the consequences if you don’t are increasingly serious. Social media and technology grant greater access to information both good and bad which influences their sense of self. As struggles for teens increase so do the struggles for… Read more