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When you struggle with disordered eating or an eating disorder your body becomes the enemy, the thing that betrays you time and time again. It becomes a battleground for the war that is going on within and we often abuse it without second thought. As much as I understand, and even remember this myself, doing… Read more

I have a confession to make, one that I can’t say I am particularly proud of, and one that, as a relationship counsellor, I should know better and therefore be doing better. I was on the phone with my mom on Friday and she asked me what I was doing this that evening and what… Read more

There are few things I find as supportive of my health and well being as making a meal plan each week. Sure it can be a pain in my butt when I sit down on Sunday to actually do it, but when Thursday rolls around and I’m don’t get home from work until 8, I… Read more

In order to get to where you are today, in this very moment, you have had to experience all kinds of things, some good, some hard, some happy, some sad, some you want to hold onto forever and some you would rather forget ever happened.  All of these experiences make up who you are and… Read more

As I was reflecting on topics that have come up lately in my counselling practice I realized I have been working with a lot of moms who are terrified of passing their eating disorder or disordered eating behaviors down to their kids. Being a parent is a hard enough job as is. Looking out for… Read more

One of the things I often get asked about when working with couples in my counselling practice here in Vancouver is what types of exercises they can do that will help them work on their relationship. While there are many different ones one of my favorites to recommend is a reading exercise. In the field… Read more

We have all seen the pictures of the emaciated model, or the girl who is standing in front of the mirror with her ribs protruding. In contrast we also see the images of obesity whether it be in gym ads or dieting commercials on tv. When we talk about eating disorders this is what we… Read more

My husband and I had a meeting at the bank earlier this week. We spent an hour with an advisor going through our finances and getting an understanding of where we are at and what we need to do to get to where we want to be. Going in I felt a bit nervous but… Read more

I was scrolling through facebook earlier this week when I saw a post by Geneen Roth. I am not sure if you know who Geneen Roth is or not but she’s a wonderful Eating Disorder author/facilitator/speaker who wrote the book Women Food and God. If you haven’t read it I highly recommend it. In her… Read more

Sometimes we have issues in our relationships that we just can’t see eye to eye on. Perhaps it is an issue that you have been having for a long time, or a new one you are just recently facing. Our wish is that we will resolve all our issues in one quick conversation but more… Read more