My sister sent me an email the other day with a link to this webpage that showed random acts of kindness. Many touched me and it got me thinking about the role such acts can play in our well being. When we are struggling with an eating disorder there can often be very little brightness… Read more
I have a close friend who sends me cards a few times a month usually with quotes about friendship. It is a gesture that is so rarely done nowadays given that most stay in touch through email or text but opening my mailbox to see a handwritten card from her is the highlight of my… Read more
Recovering from an eating disorder or disordered eating is really hard work. Unlike with addictions there is no abstinence model, and we have to learn how to eat properly and nurture our bodies despite how difficult this can seem. There are many things that can get in the way of our recovery including our relationships… Read more
If there is one goal that I believe all humans strive for it is to be happy. Yet when I ask people what this really means, many don’t have an answer. Happiness appears to be a goal that when made seems easy, but when focused on is more challenging. Most of us know when we… Read more
Everybody has a different belief around what being recovered from an eating disorder really looks like. In many medical programs being recovered means being medically stable and having a healthy body weight. For some it means eating 3 meals a day and not compensating for that in any way. There many it is still living… Read more
Happy Easter Sunday! This is one of my favorite times of years because all the spring colors tend to be out and it makes everything seem bright and happy. I am not sure where you are right now or how you are spending your long weekend but I hope you’re spending it with those you… Read more
It is a sad fact that recovering from an eating disorder means having an ongoing battle with the eating disorder voice in your head on a daily basis. In time it lets up but during the beginning stages it usually has a lot to say about everything. It is important to take time to separate… Read more
Take a moment to think back to the beginning of your relationship. Do you remember all the fun and silly things you used to do that would entertain you for hours? Whether it be driving in the car singing as loud as possible, going to the beach to play frisbee, or, as was the case… Read more
A client of mine told me that she read this line on a discussion board and I am so grateful she mentioned it because it raises a very important issue and one that I feel deserves to be written about. For people who struggle with disordered eating or an eating disorder the scale can often… Read more
Sometimes in our relationships we find ourselves at a crossroads completely unsure of what to do or where to go. Perhaps it is our anxiety that is leaving us frozen, or maybe it is because both roads lead to places that feel “right”. Making decisions that can have a big impact on our relationships and… Read more