I can’t speak for you, but around the holidays whether I really intend to or not, I find myself grazing on foods that I wouldn’t typically eat. In other words, my consumption of sugar tends to increase about 10 fold and I end up battling the highs and lows of out of whack blood sugar… Read more
When working with individuals and couples struggling with relationship problems one of the most common things I hear is “That was what I saw growing up so I don’t know how to do things any differently.” It is true that we are strongly impacted by our upbringing and that it can shape how we express… Read more
I am sending this blog out at a different time than I usually do. Typically I post this first thing Sunday morning so that you can start your day with something but I wanted to offer something different today so I am sending it out in the evening instead. Sunday’s have always had a special… Read more
When a relationship ends there are usually so many different thoughts running through your head and so many feelings you are trying to process. One of the more common ones we try to make sense of is whether or not we can be friends with our ex. Truthfully, it is so hard to imagine having… Read more
When you are trapped in the middle of an eating disorder, you become desperate for some glimpse of joy, some quick solution to all this pain or if nothing else to make your life feel like its within your control. Maybe it is a diet you try, or perhaps a new class, or maybe even… Read more
I often have people ask me, through their tears, why they keep ending up with people who hurt them or why they keep choosing the same kind of person who inevitably leaves them brokenhearted. The real question you may need to ask yourself is why you keep picking people you know underneath aren’t healthy enough… Read more
I hear about this a lot. About how difficult it is to recover and about how impossible this all seems. I get that. I know how the mountain can feel like it is only getting bigger with each step forward you take. But I also wonder if we don’t create some of these “impossibilities” because… Read more
Sometimes we find ourselves in situations with our partners and we have no idea how we got there or why something so simple has lead to what we can only assume is the end of the world as we know it. Often, emotion is not only incredibly high (which can lead to intellect running low)… Read more
This newsletter contains some very sensitive material but I think it is important to share. I am by no ways trying to relate the two things I am about to discuss, but the first got me thinking about the second and I think it’s important to talk about. On October 10th a beautiful 15-year-old… Read more
When it comes to relationships there are few things more important than setting healthy boundaries. Healthy boundaries equals healthy relationships. So why is it that so many people seem to struggle to set them? If you find you are someone who struggles to set boundaries here are three really simple steps to getting the process… Read more