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I feel like Binge Eating Disorder is only just starting to get the recognition it deserves in the eating disorder world. For so long, the only disorders that have been addressed or acknowledged have been Anorexia, Bulimia and OSFED which has left this entire population even more isolated and their suffering often dismissed as self-imposed… Read more

One of my most favourite relationship Therapists, Vienna Pharoan, has just offered a free relationship training that will teach you, over 7 days, how to improve your communication, build better boundaries and deepen intimacy. She recently got married to her husband who is actually a local Vancouverite, and in celebration of their bond they have… Read more

I am not sure about what Sunday represents for you, but Sunday for me has always been a time that has represented slowing down, and recognizing what we are grateful for. This is hard when we are in the middle of our struggle, when our pain seems so much more present than any of the… Read more

Matt and I were lying in bed the other night talking about some things and then he got angry and told me I have to stop assuming things and then drawing conclusions from my own projections. To be honest, my first reaction was to be defensive, I  wanted to line up my army of defence… Read more

Recovering from an eating disorder or disordered eating is really hard work. Unlike with addictions there is no abstinence model, and we have to learn how to eat properly and nurture our bodies despite how difficult this can seem. There are many things that can get in the way of our recovery including our relationships… Read more

John Gottman really does post some of the best blogs! One of his biggest teachings is about the affects the 4 Horsemen Criticism, Contempt, Defensiveness and Stonewalling, have on relationships. The reason it is important to learn about the 4 Horsemen is because we all can get caught up in engaging in these behaviours when… Read more

About two years ago I posted a blog all about my favourite eating disorder book. I am going to paste it below so you can see my original write up. What I wanted to add to this blog that I didn’t say in the last is that so often people only set so much time… Read more

So often I have people come into my office talking about how they felt they couldn’t say no to someone in their lives, whether that be a friend, boss, partner or their hairdresser. The common response is that doing so makes them feel guilty, they feel bad for setting a boundary on the off chance… Read more

In my eating disorder counselling practice, I get asked multiple times a week about whether or not it is safe to eat certain foods. Clients will send messages with their dinner plans and ask if it is okay for them to eat that food or if what they are eating is too much. While I… Read more

In the work that I do as a therapist, whether it be relationship counselling or eating disorder counselling, family dynamics often play a role. People come in and share not only their history with their partners/families but also the present day patterns that leave them stuck. I am not going to dive into all of… Read more