Every once in awhile I come across another person’s recovery story that I think truly needs to be shared. Given I can’t actually share my client’s stories, I have decided this week to share a fellow therapist’s story so you can understand some of the healthy and important steps you need to take to get… Read more
You know how in relationships we are often told we need to fight fairly? That, despite out frustrations we need to make sure we are always communicating as well as possible? You also know how in relationships sometimes the small things feel like the biggest thing and when you start to air your grievances, before… Read more
As a therapist, many people believe that the main area of focus in my work with clients would be on helping them understand and work through their emotions. This belief would be accurate. What causes the most grief, however, is trying to get people to understand the difference between feeling their emotions and thinking about… Read more
Sometimes I think the longer I work in eating disorders the more I continue to be surprised by just how complicated out relationship with food, and therefore ourselves, really can be. There are so many different roles food plays in our lives and different ways in which we relate to food. Often when someone struggles… Read more
Valentines Day is fast approaching and while I would love to believe that we all treat every day in our relationship like Valentines day, the reality of that is pretty slim. So I am here to give you a few ideas on how make the one day dedicated to our relationships a success. In doing… Read more
Sometimes as a therapist I think I can get ahead of myself. Having been privileged enough to witness many people’s journey to recovery, it can be easy for me to see the path to wellness easier then my clients can and sometimes I point out the steps they will take along the way thinking this… Read more
I recently came upon this article written by John Gottman, a leading relationship researcher and expert and found myself quite fascinated by the researcher he points to. Is a man’s emotional intelligence really the greatest predictor of marital success? Is this one of the reasons so many marriages fail? Can emotional intelligence be learnt? While… Read more
Motivation can be a hard thing to come by when we are battling with our recovery. Finding the drive, energy and even the interest to keep going sometimes is quite the feat. One thing we do know makes it easier is novelty. It is both what makes sticking to our commitments hard (we are all guilty… Read more
I wrote this article a few years back but with the new year and my office filling with couples struggling with this issue, I thought I would resend it. Couples often get stuck in the same rut and the more they keep struggling to connect, the harder it is for them to change the story… Read more
I really struggle with New Years Resolutions. I understand why people set them, and I fully support people who feel a new chapter gives them the opportunity to start living a life that is a greater reflection of what they want. But my challenge is that what motivates me in January usually isn’t the same… Read more