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Is Overeaters Anonymous For You?

People will often ask me what the best resources are for people who are struggling with eating disorders and which ones they should try for themselves. The truth is there isn’t one answer. There are lots of different resources out there, not as many as I would like, but still lots of options. The trick is finding out what it is that works for you. For example, I recently got asked about Overeaters Anonymous as a resource and what my thoughts are. My response: Give it a shot, if its available (and free!) trying it out isn’t going to hurt. The best thing to do when recovering is to find the things that work for you. A friend of mine who struggled found the website somethingfishy.org was what really helped her through her disorder. I myself never could have recovered if it weren’t for my therapist and still others find things like books, group therapy, yoga or hospitalization key to their recovery journey.

My best advice is to try as many things as you can and see what fits. Recovery is about discovering what gets you to dig deep and look at what has lead you to your eating disorder while also learning what will lead you out of it. Some need many different forms of support, others have one thing in particular that they report made them well. So what is it for you? What can you try in your life right now that might help you progress in your journey? Don’t limit yourself to the things I have mentioned here or the things that you hear about most. Spend some time getting to know yourself so you can learn what it is that you really connect with.

If you have found your specific thing, write it in the comment section below. Maybe your thing will be the key to someone else’s recovery and they just don’t know it exists yet.

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  • Carol July 12, 2015, 4:08 pm

    I am 57 years of age and have struggled with emotional overeating for most of my life. I am always ‘waiting’ for my life to truly start, once I have lost the pounds. I can’t tell you the last time I was truly happy. I feel like I’ve tried just about everything… from books, workshops, therapists, weekly classes, diets, more books, meditation. I’d try more therapists, if they didn’t charge so much. I’m wondering about hypnosis now – any recommendations for a good hypnotist?

    • kaela July 19, 2015, 12:27 am

      HI Carol,

      Sorry for my delay in getting back to you. I have heard people who have had some success with hypnosis but don’t know any in vancouver who specialize in emotional eating. Sorry I can’t be of more help, would love to give you a referral if I knew of one!

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