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Rethinking Infidelity: An Expert Weighs In

Esther Perel is a leading researcher and sex therapist who has written many interesting and insightful books on relationships, desire, and infidelity. She recently came to Vancouver to present at TedTalks Vancouver and her talk Rethinking Infidelity: A Talk For Anyone Who Has Ever Loved was insightful and interesting. Having just listened to it yesterday I am still weighing my thoughts on what she has said and what this means for couples who have gone through a betrayal as significant as an affair. She has some really incredible lines healing from infidelity an affair in relationshipsin the video, things like “affairs in the digital age are a death by a thousand cuts” or “Every affair will redefine a relationship, and every couple will determine what the legacy of the affair will be.”

She also challenges the pressures we put on modern day marriages and the expectations we have for our partners. Watch the video and tell me what you think in the comments section. Did you like what Esther had to say? Is there something you wish was included in her speech or something important you feel she missed?  I myself am off to go pick up her book to see what else I can learn.

Click Here to watch the video

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  • faruk khan June 9, 2015, 3:53 am

    I am still weighing my thoughts on what she has said and what this means for couples who have gone through a betrayal as significant as an affair.

  • faruk khan June 10, 2015, 12:55 am

    Having just listened to it yesterday I am still weighing my thoughts on what she has said and what this means

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