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Clinton Power really does write some excellent blog posts. Often I check his site for some of the most up to date information on couples and relationships and find his articles really valuable. You should check out his site here and see for yourself! Recently he wrote an article about 7 surefire behaviors that can… Read more

People often ask me in my practice what “healthy” eating is and what they should be aiming for during their recovery. There are lots of ways to explain balance but I also think it is important to discuss the many roles that food plays in our lives. While primarily food is used as fuel, food… Read more

Technology is funny because for so many of us we feel like we can’t live without it. We are always looking for the better, faster, more efficient way to get things done…even as I sit here writing this I am connected to both my laptop as well as my phone and doing things on both… Read more

I am in the process of creating a program about social media for the Looking Glass Foundation Eating Disorder Summer Camp and it alarms me just how much information we receive when even just browsing social media. Did you know that studies have shown that on average, social media users consume 285 pieces of content… Read more

A lot of people have been posting Jennifer Aniston’s recent article on the Huffington post about how we, as women, get to decide what it is that makes us happy. She makes some really valid points about the pressures we as women receive about only being whole when we are married with kids. I really… Read more

Last week I posted about how so many of my clients are finding the summer a challenging time of the year and that instead of feeling happy and relaxed they end up feeling more anxious and burnt out. I am going to copy it to this post but add in some pieces of how it… Read more

I always find this time of year funny. The days are longer, the sun is shining and we typically feel pretty good. So why is it that at the time of year when we are supposed to be reveling in days spent at the beach and evenings relaxing on a patio that my clients have… Read more

Sometimes, having written a blog every week for over 5 years, I find myself not always knowing what to write about. Is there anything in particular you are wondering about that you would like me to speak to? If so, please do let me know because I am happy to help in any way I… Read more

I was out for dinner with my girlfriend the other night and she started telling me a story about a guy she had recently been speaking with over the past month and how they had gone on a few dates, things were going well and then one night when they were scheduled to meet up… Read more

This has been coming up a lot in my eating disorder counselling practice in Vancouver so I thought I would repost this blog because it raises a very important issue that I feel deserves and needs to be written about. For people who struggle with disordered eating or an eating disorder the scale can often… Read more