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I can’t tell you how many times I have individuals who are in a relationship come in and tell me that they don’t know how to communicate to their partner in a way that allows them to really share how they are feeling. When we dive into this, more often then not it isn’t because… Read more

I feel I need to speak to this because it seems to be brought up frequently when I am working with my eating disorder clients. There is a belief both with sufferers and the general population that eating disorders are hierarchical with typical anorexia at the top and binge eating at the bottom. This is… Read more

In my counselling practice with couples I assign homework based on what their major issues are. Some of the more common issues I see are couples who struggle to communicate properly, or individuals who have been so focused on the kids that they have lost sight of each other, sometimes it is that they don’t… Read more

I love this question largely because it is something I so strongly believe in and also because it is something that highly depends on how you define recovery. I think one of the most critical pieces to actual recovery is learning what recovery means to you and trying to hold onto hope, even in the… Read more

I found this infographic on Clinton Power’s website the other day and I found it rather fascinating to go through. While there were some statistics that I was familiar with, there were others that I found quite shocking, in particular that they were able to put a dollar amount to the impact of a marriage… Read more

“My girlfriend is struggling with an eating disorder and I have no idea what to do. SOmetimes it feels like I am making it better and other times I feel like I am dealing with it all wrong. What do I do?” Having a loved one struggle with an eating disorder is an incredible challenge… Read more

Often in my office I have couples who have come in when they have reached a breaking point. Perhaps they have been fighting non-stop and can’t seem to find a resolution. Or maybe they have reached a point where the fighting has stopped and they just don’t speak. Either way, by the time they come… Read more

It is that time again. There are many things in my life that I am extremely grateful for and Looking Glass Summer Camp typically finds itself in the top 5. When you struggle with an eating disorder and start looking for support you realize how few resources are available for us that not only can… Read more

You know those moments when you read something and it seems to resonate in a way that most other things don’t? Those moments where as you are reading it you just keep saying “YES” in your head.  I had one of those moments today. I read a lot about what makes relationships work, what happily… Read more

I hope your week is starting off on a wonderful note and that those who live in Vancouver have been enjoying the amazing weather. Often in my counselling practice I see people who are highly anxious and who feel, because of their eating disorder, overwhelmed and afraid to take a step. I often get asked… Read more