If you are single and online dating this blog is for you. I frequently have clients come in who are looking to find a partner who discuss the trials and tribulation of online dating. There are, of course, many positive things to online dating: most people are doing it, it gives you access to people… Read more
Today I am writing asking for your help. Not for me per se, but for all those individuals who struggle with an eating disorder. Sadly there isn’t a lot out there that exposes the true impacts eating disorders have, nor is there much that explores the reality of what eating disorders really look like. The… Read more
While having a child can be one of the most remarkable, rewarding and truly incredible gifts you may ever be blessed with, I can’t begin to tell you how many couples I see who come into my office after having a child feeling as though their relationship needs some support and/or adjusting. Having a child… Read more
I actualyl posted this a few months ago in my relationship blog but I have had this same thing come up a lot lately with my eating disorder clients so I thought I would repaste it. I read an article the other day by Dr. Mark Hyman, a leading physician in the US, about the… Read more
I was sitting with a couple in my office last week and upon talking to them realized that they had very different ideas about what marriage is. They had similar wants but different values and it was leading to conflict in their marriage. I think when you are married it is important to have a… Read more
A relationship client of mine came in yesterday to my Vancouver counselling practice and while telling me something about his story started to minimize and say that certain steps he had taken weren’t necessarily that great despite him finding them challenging. It was interesting because it started the dialogue around how we need to see… Read more
I think this may be the first time since I started writing 5 years ago that my relationship newsletter actually goes out on Valentines day. Because today is a day about connecting I am going to give you a few brief thouhts on making today special whether single or happily coupled. If you are in… Read more
As a parent, discovering that your teen is struggling with an eating disorder can feel like an incredibly scary and overwhelming experience. Often there are so many questions and emotions that both you and your teen are experiencing that it can leave the whole family in a state of anxiety. One question I am hoping… Read more
There has been a lot coming out lately about conflict in relationships and why it is healthy. As a therapist, I often hear couples say they are fighting all the time, or, on the flip side, that they never fight and are scared of doing so. Conflict, when done correctly, is actually one of the… Read more
Every once in awhile an opportunity comes up for individuals who struggle with an eating disorder, disordered eating or low body confidence that I think is worth sharing. The Looking Glass Foundation is an organization that focuses on eating disorder prevention and eating disorder treatment. Recently they have launched a new program called Hand In… Read more