I was in session the other with a woman the other day who has been married for 15 years. She was talking about how she read somewhere that when it comes to relationships, women will typically process themselves out of a relationship before leaving while men will leave and then process themselves out afterwards. She… Read more
Wow , it is officially 2016. I must admit, I am very much ready to be in this year and to soak up all it has to offer. One of the few things I love about the new year (in many ways it just feels like another day) is how it can encourage us to… Read more
Happy new year! As I write this I am sitting in my cabin which is in the middle of nowhere drinking a cup of tea while watching the snow fall. It is a truly magical place and one that brings great comfort because of how quiet and still it is. I went out snowshoeing today… Read more
As one year closes and another one begins it gives us an opportunity to look back at who we have become over the year, what steps we have taken, the things that have changed and the things that have stayed the same. For some, the year may feel like just another year, and for others… Read more
One of my most favorite people (and fellow recovered sufferer) told me I need to write a blog post about a quote we both love by Nayyirah Waheed. “And I said to my body, softly, “I want to be your friend.” It took a long breath and replied, ‘”I have been waiting my whole life… Read more
I was reading through Mind Body Green the other day on my work break and came across this article. The holidays are stressful enough as is without the much unneeded pressures and conflicts that can arise in our relationships. This article tapped into 3 common issues that arise over the holidays between couples and I… Read more
Ahhh the holidays, filled with so much Christmas spirit and buzz, and also so many food challenges. Whether you restrict, suffer from emotional eating or just in general find the holidays challenging because of the never ending supply of baking and holiday parties, I am here to offer you a few tips on making it… Read more
I hope everyone is enjoying their last weekend of November. This week’s post is short and sweet because I am out and about with my sister and niece, but the topic for this week is rather fitting. December is the time of year when many traditions are celebrated and we (hopefully) spend more time focusing… Read more
I have found it interesting this past while how many people have been shocked by how much it actually takes to recover. They want to believe that they can maintain all their regular commitments, whether it be work, school, hobbies etc., and focus on their recovery. In reality, recovery is a full time job at… Read more
We are entering into that time of year again where everything gets busier but things never seem to get done. I was reading the book The happiness Project the other day and she spoke about “the power hour.” Having looked it up she wrote a blog post about it that you can read here. I… Read more