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I have been working closely with a few clients lately who are working with Ali Eberhardt, the eating disorder dietician that I so highly recommend. One of the themes that keeps coming up is the importance of starting small. When you struggle with anorexia and/or bulimia, sometimes adding certain foods into your diet can be… Read more

In relationships there are lots of times where we make mistakes that can end up hurting our partner. Ideally it is something little but most of us can be guilty of occasionally doing things that can cause some real damage. Learning how to repair these hurts can allow for everyone to move forward in a… Read more

Every once in awhile opportunities arise that can give us the chance to heal in ways we wouldn’t have otherwise known were possible. Sometimes these opportunities allow us to free ourselves from the restraints we place (or our disorder places) upon ourselves and we get to see what we are really capable of. The opportunity… Read more

Esther Perel is a leading researcher and sex therapist who has written many interesting and insightful books on relationships, desire, and infidelity. She recently came to Vancouver to present at TedTalks Vancouver and her talk Rethinking Infidelity: A Talk For Anyone Who Has Ever Loved was insightful and interesting. Having just listened to it yesterday… Read more

It is that time of year again where the weather warms up, our diet starts to move away from soups and stews and more towards fresh cold crisp items like salads and watermelon and picnic food. It is also the time when many start to worry about and focus on their bodies more and push… Read more

I wrote this post a few months ago but I seem to be seeing lots of individuals and couples in my counselling practice int he past few weeks who are all coming in feeling stuck when it comes to their communication in their relationship. Communication really is the foundation for a happy and healthy relationship… Read more

Have you ever found yourself saying the lines “tomorrow I will start” or “starting tomorrow I am only going to eat X,Y,Z”? So often my clients come in to my counselling office exhausted and suffering because they keep making all these promises to themselves that are extreme and that, as a result, never work out… Read more

I was in session this week with a wonderful client and when he sat down and we discussed our focus for the day he told me he wanted to stop being so weak. When I clarified what exactly he felt was weak about him he talked about his emotions and his anxiety. I think if… Read more

Sometimes when we are on our journey to recovery, whether that be from anorexia, bulimia or binge eating we get stuck eating the same foods time and time again. Food becomes, routinized which , in some ways,is good, but in others can leave us feeling disinterested. If we become disinterested in food then it challenges… Read more

Sometimes in relationships we go through hard times. Perhaps you’re not feeling as connected as usual and finding your way back is proving more difficult than you hoped. Or maybe you find out your partner is having an affair and you aren’t sure   what your next move should be. Maybe it is something outside… Read more