Sometimes I have clients ask me why it is they turn towards or away from food. Why food? Why not something else? Why is it that food, or the absence of food, soothes them in the way that it does? While there are many different answers to this question and, of course, many different things… Read more
John Gottman is a relationship researcher based out of Seattle Washington. You may have heard me talk about his Love Lab before in the past and the work he does with couples. Gottman has been able to predict with 94% accuracy which couples will work and which couples will divorce. One of the ways he… Read more
It’s interesting, sometimes in my work there will be themes that come up a lot over a short period of time with many clients coming in talking about similar issues. I usually take this as a sign that it’s important and can really add value to someone’s recovery process (and therefore should be blogged about!)… Read more
Sometimes in relationships we have to have the tough conversations. The ones we want to avoid or push off because not having them seems easier, in the moment, than having them. Trust me when I say I wish there was a way to have these conversations that was painless or easy. The reality is that… Read more
I spent last weekend in Carmel California with my sister and my dad. We explored Big Sur, ate at many incredible little restaurants and spent time walking along the beach with teas in hand. If you ever have the opportunity to get to Carmel, I highly recommend it. Spending a few days eating out so… Read more
I was away at a training a few weekends ago where I was learning all kinds of interesting things on human beings and their thoughts, feelings and behaviors. One of the things that really stood out to me, however, was how we, unconsciously (usually), do to ourselves and our loved ones what was once done… Read more
When we are trying to recover from an eating disorder there are so many resources out there that it is easy become overwhelmed and unsure of where to turn. This week’s blog is going to be about one book that I highly recommend. In the world of eating disorders there are many different books out… Read more
Happy day after Valentine’s Day! I hope if you are in a relationship that you spent time connecting with your loved one in some shape or form. Valentine’s Day is a tricky one for me. Truthfully I’m not a huge Hallmark holiday kind of girl but I also believe it is a day where we… Read more
I read an article the other day by Dr. Mark Hyman, a leading physician in the US, (you can read it here) about the importance of saying no and how we can actually do more damage to ourselves and our health long term by continuing to say yes even when we don’t want to. The… Read more

I read an article the other day by Dr. Mark Hyman, a leading physician in the US, (you can read it here) about the importance of saying no and how we can actually do more damage to ourselves and our health long term by continuing to say yes even when we don’t want to. The… Read more