With December finally here (I LOVE the holiday season!) I thought it might be helpful to get a Holistic Nutritionists perspective on what to keep in mind during the season so you can really enjoy it. The main things I hear about at this time of year are fat fears (the belief that having fat… Read more
I hope all of you found the last blog post helpful and were able to use some of the suggestions to connect in your relationship. One of the things I find so important about communication is how it can help you in all your relationships: intimate, family, friends and work! As promised, here are the… Read more
I often have people ask me about my story of recovery, wanting to know how I did it and if it really is possible to recover completely from an eating disorder. While there are many factors that help someone through recovery I believe there are a few things from my experience that can be helpful… Read more
It’s funny how themes seem to pop up in my office from time to time. For example, there are times when it seems every individual and every couple that I am working with is having issues with intimacy. Or perhaps all at once it seems people are going through relationship breakdowns and we are focusing… Read more
I have been on a bit of a technology bent these days which is kind of funny given I am the least technologically inclined person you will ever meet. I have come to realize, however, that in our day to day life we likely turn to technology for answers more than we turn to anything… Read more
Let’s face it, we live in a time where we are often more tuned into some form of technology than we are to each other. While I can’t say I think this is always healthy I do believe that if we are going to be tuned into our phones or computers, perhaps we could spend… Read more
Fall is in full effect here on the West Coast which means crisp days and cool nights. I don’t know about you but I find that as the leaves start to change so do my cravings. Gone are the evenings when what I craved was a nice big crisp salad. Instead my body seems to… Read more
One of the greatest parts of my job is helping people to really see themselves accurately. I don’t know what could be more rewarding than having an authentic relationship with yourself and being fortunate enough to witness people on that journey is what inspires me to do what I do every day. Sometimes we find… Read more
As odd as it sounds I found it very comforting when I got off the plane in my flip flops only to realize it was pouring rain and would be for the whole week ahead. I love Autumn because it has a slower more scheduled pace than summer. Plus, we get to wear boots, scarves… Read more
I always find it really interesting when I work with individuals and couples to see how they react when I bring up sex. Some are really comfortable with the conversation, others aren’t so much and truthfully I can understand both. Sex can seem like a very intimate conversation to have with your counsellor and it… Read more